
In my 80 years, I've never felt such enthusiasm for Christ and the Bible as I have in these past few months, thanks to The Chosen.
I was born into my faith, and over time, I've grown within it, slowly but surely. I've been fortunate to experience God's grace in profound ways, which has deepened my love, devotion, and understanding of Him. Less than a year ago, I stumbled upon The Chosen and decided to give it a shot. From the first episode of the first season, I was captivated. I devoured all three seasons in just three days. The joy and love for Christ, Scripture, and our shared history that this show has sparked in me is beyond words. I've watched it multiple times, and I'm still discovering new details and nuances. In my 80 years, I've never felt such enthusiasm for Christ and the Bible as I have in these past few months, thanks to The Chosen. The show, along with its round table discussions, podcasts, and specials, has been a gift. I only wish I could contribute more financially to the completion of all seven seasons. If God calls me home before I get to experience them all, know that my prayers will continue. I pray that His grace will reach over a billion people through The Chosen, a healing balm for our hurting, broken world.